Son un Cuento

What name will you give it?

Got a name in mind?

In the flowery forest so grand,
A little critter's lost, you understand.
But no need to worry, don't be afraid,
We'll find our friend, make a fun bet!

Let's shout out and see:
Creature, little creature,
Tiny, like a mini feature,
Come on out, don't hide away,
It's a fantastic, sunny day!

Creature, little creature,
Tiny, like a mini feature,
No need to fear, it's okay,
The day's perfect for some play!

We'll search high, we'll search low,
Find our friend, put on a show.
And once we find him, we'll decree,
A name so cool, it'll make him glee!

So, my friend, what name will you choose?
For your new buddy, one that won't lose.

Author: Karen Loewy