Son un Cuento

Rainbow Rabbits

What Color are Rabbits?

On a sunny day, two blue rabbits were walking around in the clouds.

They were so distracted by a sudden downpour of rainbow hearts,

that they didn’t notice two long green ears

peeking out from behind a lazy sleeping star.

They were so loud, the shooting star woke up and flew away,

Revealing a large green rabbit with a very long tail.

Boy, were they surprised!

They had never seen a different colored rabbit.

 Since they were very, very curious, they asked,

«So why are you green, if all rabbits are blue?»

«No, no, no, no.  All rabbits are green,» the rabbit replied.

Suddenly, a white rabbit jumped out of a northern cloud.

He was sunbathing when he heard the conversation.

«Hello, hello, my colorful friends. I’m a white rabbit,

and I’d like to let you know all rabbits in the world are white.”

It was there in the clouds that the 

biggest debate of recent times came into full swing: 

that rabbits are white; 

but no, rabbits are green; 

but no, rabbits are blue…

Amid all the fuss, a purple butterfly flew by,

 twisting and turning, blown away by the wind that had awakened with the scandal. 

The delicate butterfly managed to grab hold of the green rabbit’s ear and caught their attention:

«Alright, alright, what is this arguing about?»

“Take a good look at yourselves—but a very good look—and answer my questions:

Do you all have long ears?”

«Yes,” they all answered.

«Do you all have two big teeth?»

«Yes,” they all answered.

«Are you all soft and fluffy like cotton?»

«Yes,” they all answered.

«So, you’re all rabbits, even though you have different shades!

You were all born from the clouds, the sun and the rainbow to meet in this tale!”

Author: Karen Loewy

Music: Hitayosara Ojeda, Manuel Ernesto Rivera, Camilo Ojeda